Friday, October 3, 2014

Every College Girls' Dream: Free Clothes!

Hello Ladies!
I recently joined this website called Influenster that allows consumers to learn about and review all kinds of products. I joined because I had heard about the VoxBox, a package of samples and testers of major brands sent through Influenster to get consumers to try their products. I mean, FREE STUFF! It was a no-brainer for me. Since then I've written reviews for products and taken surveys and such.

Last month I took a fitness survey. I was asked how often I work out a week, where I buy my fitness clothed, etc. The exciting thing about it though, was that I qualified for a complimentary gift from Victoria's Secret Sport! (Although I just assumed it was a coupon)

The next week I got an email from the site asking if I had received my FREE Victoria's Secret Sports Bra yet. I was just about freaking out! Sure enough, I had a package waiting for me at my campus post office. Not only did I receive a beautiful Sports Bra, but super comfortable workout pants as well!

Why I'm posting about it:
My job, after receiving the complimentary gift, is to review the product and tell all of you about it!
I love LOVE how supportive it is and the softness of the material. I had been wanting the Sports Bra for a while because my roommate just bought one and raved about it, but I decided that, being a poor college student, I shouldn't spend the money quite yet. Well the Lord has blessed me! I wear my Sports Bra all the time: working out, to bed, lounging around.... it's so comfortable! My old sports bras don't even compare. I feel soooo good in it!

Alright, here is my all new Victoria's Secret workout gear

I might even wear my new #VSSportsBra to my 2nd Annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Party in December!

This is a sponsored blog post. Influenster provided me with complimentary Victoria's Secret products to test and review as part of a contest

 Thanks for reading!
XOXO Miranda Louise